About me



It’s a matter of knowledge, competence and philosophy. These are the three keywords when you speak about Osteopathy, the strongest points when it comes to Rino Mastromauro’s practice.
Osteopath, D.O.m.r.o.i (Osteopath, member of the registered Italian Osteopaths), since 1994 Mastromauro has reached a peak in his career and remains a reference point in this field.
An osteopath consultant and posturologist for athletes, sports teams, fitness centers and firms (branch: ergonomics), twenty-five years as a trainer in all regions of Italy for qualification courses regarding health, Rino Mastromauro has moved his practice to the "Osteopathy Clinic" in via Annunziata, 49-55.
But his practice goes even beyond his Osteopathy Clinic. He is in fact a member of the Technical Educational Committee of FIF (Italian Fitness Federation), for which he is also a teacher in training courses, masters and workshops, and a lecturer at conferences dealing with Posturology, Osteopathy, psycho-physical wellbeing, both in the holistic field and the physical one.
He is also a teacher at the Italian Holistic School (S.I.O.) in Ravenna
Also founder and president of the A.I.R.S. (Italian Association for Health Research).

Rino Mastromauro
Osteopath D.O.m.r.o.i. specialized in Biodynamic Osteopathy.

My story

Dr. Rino Mastromauro’s career  dates as far back as 1985 when he obtained an ISEF Degree at the Faculty of Physical Education at the University of Aquila. In 1986 he was the winner of a competition to teach P.E. for the
Ministry of Education – the Teacher’s Board of Education in Bari


Diploma as a teacher of Bodybuilding and Fitness   c/o La Torre Study Centre Ravenna


Competition winner as a qualified teacher of training courses for the Italian Fitness Federation – Ravenna


Post-graduate biennial specialization in ” Communication Didactics and Multimedia Technologies” at the “La Sapienza” University of Rome


Managerial  training course certificate “ Improving Communicative Abilities”          Managerial training  and Business manager at the Chamber of commerce, Bologna – c/o La Torre Study Centre Ravenna


Certificate for attending the seminar: “Managing human resources”
Virthuman International Milan- c/o La Torre Study Centre Ravenna

Mastromauro obtains a Degree in Physical Education at the University of “Tor Vergata” Rome and perfections his training  by completing  a course in  Rehabilitative Kinesiology  at the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery at the G. D’Annunzio University of Chieti.

His deep belief in taking on a global approach to treating health problems led him to undertake the studies of Osteopathy in 2001 attending the Italian Academy of Traditional Osteopathy of Pescara, obtaining the title of Osteopath. Since  1st June 2007 he has been enrolled in the Register of Italian Osteopaths (R.O.I.).

Il profondo credo nell’adottare un approccio globale per la cura dei problemi di salute lo porta ad intraprendere gli studi di Osteopatia nel 2001 frequentando l’Accademia Italiana di Osteopatia Tradizionale di Pescara conseguendo il titolo di Osteopata. Dal 01 giugno 2007 è iscritto al Registro degli Osteopati Italiani (R.O.I.).


Certificate for attending  a  Kinesiology Taping Course
GAESS Srl – Faenza (Ra)


Master in “Constructivist Hypnosis and Regressive Hypnosis” at the’Association Europèenne pour la Recherche Scientifique et la Formation of Pescara


Post Graduate in “Biodynamic Embryology” held by the scientist Prof. Raymondo F Gasser, PHD Louisiana State University


Post Graduate in “The neurological basics of the osteopathic clinic in medicine”

The autonomic nervous system: anatomy and pathophysiology

Held by scientists Prof. Wilfried Janning, Director of the Institute of Physiology of the University of Kiel, and Prof. Winfried Neuhuber, Director of the Department of Anatomy, University of Nuremberg


Post Graduate in” Neurological Basics of an osteopathic clinic in medicine” Nociception and pain

Held by scientists Prof. Wilfried Janning, Director of the Institute of Physiology of the University of Kiel, and Prof. Winfried Neuhuber, Director of the Department of Anatomy, University of Nuremberg.

Specialization in Biodynamic Osteopathy (best known as “ present and quiet movement” thanks to the excellent teaching of Doctor Vincenzo Cozzolino).

Founder and President of AIRS (Italian Academy of Health Research)

In May 2015 he founded the Italian Academy of Health Research, through which he spread his philosophy of Mind and Body, tutoring and organizing training courses. His passion for Quantum Physics combined with the knowledge gained from his studies and his professional career route led him to found the “Mastromauro Method”, a working method about “Postural Psychosomatic Rebalancing” which Mastromauro promotes as a training course for those who work in this field.

08 October 2019 Doctor of Techniques and Psychological Sciences of the G. D’Annunzio University Chieti.